Fatman: “I breed humans for their function and they have become a brick wall called cities. Staggering medias of grief. They are boring realities. Oh well. Where’s the food. But I only eat power and cities. Women ah women. Humans are becoming obsolete.”
“Welcome aboard. We’re going to travel through my land. The land of dream nods and hyper active mind states. On your right you see the commodities traders, they are hard at work, keeping my economy strong. Wave everybody…”
Man#2: “Feel good opiate, Feel good blunt. This is the life of the mighty slave. In the commerce of the street maffia, on the sweet tit of democracy. Me and the tooth fairy, handing out dreams on the corner in the fatmans world.”

Woman#1: “I am searching for bliss. I’m the ultimate commercial in the conscious mind where god lives on TV and everything is mine. Bliss on the run run through miles and eons of TVs…”

man#3: “… the devil is hip, he has the ultimate weapon… cool. He donates money to the privileged. They say we blessed, we blessed. He got a problem with the so called third world. They want to revolt so now he’s on TV, running for office. He got a cell phone in his ear. He looks good … says we need to crack skulls and lock the body, make streets safe…”

Woman#2: “I’m a superhero. I don’t need social security or health care. I got a big heart which is my supergun…”

Man#1: “… It was raining memories of old lovers of regret and fear, old money and women raining on the desert where I buried my soul. And it was time to dance, and I forgot her name. Her breasts straining for my kiss and the rain was penetrating the fog. And I knew this must be love…”

“… came the death of the fatman. Where I have a contract with words, where my truthboils my tongue. In the incarcerated air of men, where I face my enemies with trickery and guile. That which I call love…”