Monday, May 4, 6:30 PM Skid Row activist General Jeff and cultural and political theorist Fred Dewey, who was involved in the beginning of the neighborhood councils movement, talk about the formation of the Skid Row Neighborhood Council.
Monday, May 4, 6:30 PM Skid Row activist General Jeff and cultural and political theorist Fred Dewey, who was involved in the beginning of the neighborhood councils movement, talk about the formation of the Skid Row Neighborhood Council.
website design:
Founded in 1985 by director-performer-activist John Malpede, Los Angeles Poverty Department (LAPD) is a non-profit arts organization, the first performance group in the nation made up principally of homeless people, and the first arts program of any kind for homeless people in Los Angeles. LAPD creates performances and multidisciplinary artworks that connect the experience of people living in poverty to the social forces that shape their lives and communities. LAPD’s works express the realities, hopes, dreams and rights of people who live and work in L.A.’s Skid Row.
Skid Row History Museum & Archive
250 S. Broadway, Los Angeles CA 90012
Mailing Address:
PO Box 26190
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Phone: 213-413-1077
Email: [email protected]
Archive: [email protected]
John Malpede: John[@]
Henriëtte Brouwers: Henriette[@]
© 2025 Los Angeles Poverty Department