Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 7 -10 pm at #skidrowmuseum on the mezzanine, 440 S. Broadway, LA CA 90013.
Asian American consciousness has been represented in American art since the early 1900s, becoming significantly recognized in contemporary art in the 80s and 90s.
Curator and UC-Irvine professor Yong Soon Min will discuss what it means to be Asian/Pacific/American in NYC and LA within the ever evolving cultural geopolitics that demand interdisciplinary, diasporic and localized awareness. A self-proclaimed Cold War baby, born in Korea the year the Korean War ended in an armistice, Yong Soon Min has lived in the US since 1960, in the belly of the beast, where might makes right.
Event Picture: Rhizomatic! Fiddleheads!, November 19, 2009 – May 16, 2010, window installation with vinyl, An Idea Called Tomorrow, California African American Museum, Los Angeles, CA. Visit her website for information and images: www.yongsoonmin
Jazz trio Alex Rodriguez will be back for more super cool jazzzz.
Admission is by donation ($15 suggested), with all proceeds directly supporting the museum.
In keeping with the cultural history of rent parties and the intellectual tradition of the Harlem Renaissance, LAPD’s rent parties take the form of salons featuring local scholars and will also feature food, drink and live jazz. Rent parties developed during the Harlem Renaissance as a means for Black tenants in the area, often targets of discriminatory rent pricing as well as low wages, to make ends meet. These events centered around living room concerts and were known to feature such luminaries as Fats Waller.