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April 22, 2023 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Skid Row History Musuem & Archive
250 S. Broadway
Los Angeles CA 90012
Los Angeles Poverty Department
213-413 1077

Saturday, April 22, 2pm
Music is My Sanctuary

Musical event with Filipé Garcia Villamil, master drummer and Charles’ mentor, teacher.

Panel moderated by Charles Porter with Filipé Garcia Villamil, DJ Ade, Jamael Dean, Rickie Byars and Ray Lewis. A discussion of local musical artists regarding their music and its relationship to spirituality and healing.

This event is part of the exhibition COSMOLOGY & COMMUNITY: Networks of Liberation
Feb. 18 – July 31, 2023
Open: Thu, Fri, Sat 2-5pm.

Exhibition centers on the work of Community Curator Charles Porter, in collaboration with & support of curatorial staff of Skid Row History Museum & Archive.

The exhibition weaves together five components beginning with Charles’ family history and origins in a historic free Black New Jersey community, the role of mentors, and his education at Howard University. The second part of the exhibition explores philosophy, recovery, wellness, healing, and the quest for meaning, examining social model approaches utilized in Skid Row to create healthy lives and communities. The third part of the exhibition focuses on culture and explores Charles’ incorporation of cultural learning, music, poetry, and African traditions in his work in Skid Row. The fourth component highlights community formation and transformative community-led initiatives to increase safety, expand resources, provide support, and strengthen neighborhood ties. The final component highlights the need for voice, agency, and responsive systems that facilitate autonomy and increase accountability.

Original poetry on the gallery walls, narrating the components of the exhibition were written by Charles who also informed the creation of referential mural elements created by Dimitri Kadiev, Joshua Grace, and Ellie Sanchez. Each station has video and a notebook of historical and contemporary documents.