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Battle of Narratives – Community Conversation

CC_Battle of NarrativesThis Friday, May 6, 7pm at ‪#skidrowmuseum

with Tom Grode & Silvia Hernandez

We are in a moment of time when the future of Skid Row is being discussed, debated, strategized at a level not seen since the “Silver Book – Blue Book” days of the 1970’s. The future of Skid Row depends on which get stories get out there and capture the passion and determination of people. Stories of Skid Row as a problem to be fixed, or a community to be empowered. It’s the Battle of Narratives and Art is on the Frontlines.

Talking about our upcoming project Walk The Talk:
May 18 + 20: Come Together events at the Skid Row History Museum & Archive
At the Wednesday, May 18, at 6pm, “Come Together” we’ll hear from community housing organizer Steve Diaz, Marc Trotz, Director of Housing for Health, Los Angeles County Department of Health and filmmaker and activists Tony Anthony and Andrea Theodoresku.
On Friday, May 20, at 7pm, we’ll hear from Melvin Ishmael Johnson of Dramastage Qumran, visual artist Lynn Rossi, musician Franc Foster will play and community architect Theresa Hwang will talk.

Gallery Exhibition: From May 18 through July 31
The portraits of the 45 previous Walk the Talk honorees will be on display at LAPD’s Skid Row History Museum and Archive, 440 S. Broadway, LA 90013. (open Friday through Sunday 2pm to 5pm). Transcripts and video interviews of the 45 honorees, along with the scenes derived from their interviews will be linked and viewable, thanks to the coding wizardry of Rob Ochshorn.

May 28: parade / performance / visual art honoring 8 community movers and shakers.
This years Skid Row visionaries are civil rights activist General Dogon, housing activist Becky Dennison, Gladys Park caretaker A.J., civil rights lawyer Carol Sobel, Lamp Art Project coordinator Hayk Makhmuryan, public health worker Christopher Mack, environmentalist Katherine McNenny and community organizer KevinMichael Key. We will celebrate them with a PARADE headed by PARADIGM brass band, PERFORMANCES by Los Angeles Poverty Department and PORTRAITS made by Pairoj Pichetmetakul.